Shabu Shabu (2)
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Sekkatei (Rusutsu Resort Hotel)
Phone: 0136-46-3111
Address: Rusutsu Resort Hotel, North Wing, 3F, 13, Izumikawa, Rusutsu, Abuta, Hokkaido 048-1711
Open: 7am to 9am / 5pm to 9pm The opening hours may change seasonally. Lunch can be served by request.
Charge: Reservations required for the 4 private rooms (that hold up to 6 people). The private
... Read moreShabu Shabu Let Us Restaurant (Near Sapporo Station)
This restaurant is named Shabu Shabu Let Us as it sounds like Shabu Shabu Lettuce. They try to offer the best-tasting seasonal vegetables with highest nutrition応用並べ替えフィルターSearch Filter Applied: