電話:+7 424 55 21 502 (自然保護区管理)
場所:5 Zarechnaya St., Yuzhno-Kurilsk, Kuril Islands, Russia 694500
kurilskiy @ mail.ru or kurilskiy @ gmail.com
GPS:43.84418846238501, 145.50416010055966 Golovnin Volcano

- Golovnin Volcano Caldera
- Tyatya Volcano
- The Pillar Cape (Stolbchaty Cape)
- The Ptichya River and the Ptichy Waterfall. The Ptichya (aka the Bird River) is the second largest river on Kunashir Island. It is actually a series of waterfalls, the color of water changes throughout its length apparently due to mineral springs in the upper reaches of the river).
- Veslovsky Peninsula with nesting places of the Japanese crane
- Cape Himmerling near Rogachev Lake is a rookery of bay seal and various bird colonies
- The Neskuchenskie Springs are the thermal springs where you can see hot gases wallowing time to time
最高峰: Tyatya
標高: 1,819 m
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