Phone: 011-699-6483
Address: 5-26, 1 Chome 5 Jo, Shinhassamu, Teine Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 006-0805
Open: Saturday 10am to 11:30pm / Sunday 10am to 9:30pm / Monday 2pm to 11:30pm / Tuesday 10am to 11:30pm / Wednesday 10am to 11:30pm / Thursday 2pm to 11:30pm
Closed: Fridays
Charge: 1,500 yen to register / visitors 2,000 yen per day / rental shoes & chalk 600 yen / 2,600 yen for the first 20 minute trial / 1 month bouldering pass 3,500 yen
There are no age restrictions here but children will be climbing the same wall as adults. The lady here said 10 is probably a good age for children to start climbing.
Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/Whippersnappergym
URL: http://whippersnappergym.com/
GPS: 43.11153063211019, 141.2797683213016 (Google Maps)
1,500 yen to register.

Rock Climbing / Climbing Facilities
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