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Hanasaki Lighthouse and Stone Wheel, Nemuro

Phone: 0153-24-3104

Address: Hanasakiminato, Nemuro, Hokkaido 087-0032

Open: 24 Hours

URL: https://www.city.nemuro.hokkaido.jp/lifeinfo/shinitsuite/rekishi_shizen_bunka/3/2909.html

For The Taxi Driver:
〒087-0032 北海道根室市花咲港

GPS: 43.27794697034092, 145.58956858022552

"Nemuro Kurumaishi" is an alkaline coarse-grained basalt with a structure of radial joints, and has spherical rock bodies. specified for the object. Pillow lava is formed in the process of dolerite magma flowing into the mud deposited on the sea floor, creating a wide bed of rock and undergoing rapid cooling. It is called "Kurumaishi" because it has a wheel-like structure when sliced ​​into rounds.

[Designated Category] Natural monument

[Designated Date] September 7, 1939

[Location] Hanasaki Port, Nemuro City

Places To Visit Around Nemuro Subprefecture, Hokkaido, Japan

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1 Comment "Hanasaki Lighthouse and Stone Wheel, Nemuro"

  1. Nemuro Kurumaishi (wheel stone) is down the path from the Hanasaki Lighthouse at the tip of Cape Hanasaki, which is famous for Hanasaki crabs. The stone wheel was nationally designated as a Natural Monument. With radial joints in concentric circle, it looks like a wheel.

    The radial joints on the stone wheel were created when hot lava was cooled by sea water quickly. Amazingly, this stone wheel was created about 6,000 years ago. This type of rock hasn’t been found in any other place in the world yet.



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