Most Tourists Go Here (41)
You don’t need a tour guide to go to most of these famous spots. Use the guides to get you into special restaurants, temples, and do things that aren’t on regular tour maps.
Shiroi Koibito Park & Ishiya Chocolate Factory
Phone: 011-666-1481
Address: 11-36, 2 Jo 2 Chome, Miyanosawa, West Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 063-0052
Open: 10am to 5pm
GPS: 43.08891817280894, 141.27170387502778 (Google Maps)
Interactive exhibits show the history of chocolates and explain how the cookies are made. You can also sign up for a course (from about ¥972)
... Read moreAsahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa City
Phone: 0166-36-1104
Address: Kuranuma, Higashi Asahikawa-cho, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8205
10:30am to 3:30pm (entry until 3pm)
Mid November to early April;
9:30am to 5:15pm (entry until 4pm)
Late April to mid October;
9:30am to 4:30pm (entry until 4pm)
Mid October to early November;
10:30am to 3:30pm (entry until 3pm)
11/11th to 12/29th
... Read more白い恋人パーク & 石屋製菓チョコレート工場 札幌
電話: 011-666-1481
住所: 〒063-0052 北海道札幌市西区宮の沢2-2-11-36
営業時間: 10:00-17:30 (最終受付/Last Admission 16:30)
入料金: おとな(高校生以上)800円 / こども(4歳~中学生)400円 / 3歳以下 無 料
GPS: 43.08891817280894, 141.27170387502778 (Google Maps)
アクセス: 宮の沢駅から徒歩10分。
- 価格は全て税込金額です。
- 「身体障がい者手帳」「療育手帳」「精神障がい者保健福祉手帳」いずれかをお持ちのご本人様および介助者1名様は上記金額より100円引きとなります(ミライロID可)
※その他割引とは併用できません。 - 各種割引券をお持ちのお客様は会計時にご提示ください。
- ※1 有料エリア入館者10名様以上
- アプリを利用している方のみ限定での販売となります。
- 購入月を含む1年間ご利用いただけます。
- 入館の際は、LINE年間パスポートの画面をご提示ください。
- 大人1名につき小人(4歳~15歳)3名まで付随することができます。
- お子様の人数について購入後の追加はできません。(購入後お客様の都合による返金対応はできません)
・チョコトピアファクトリー ~白い恋人とバウムクーヘンの製造ラインが見学できる
Sapporo Kokusai Skiing Resort
Young people going on a skiing and snowboarding vacation on the snow slopesDistance from Central Sapporo: 46km
Phone: 011-598-4511
Address: 937 Banchi, Jozankei, South Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 061-2301
Regular Season (Dec.1-Mar.31): 9am to 5pm / Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays 8:30am to 5pm
Spring (April.1-May.7) 9am to 4:30pm
Early season (Nov.18-Nov.30) 9am
... Read moreNiseko Tokyu Grand Hirafu
Phone: 0136-22-0109
Address: 9-1, Niseko Hirafu 1-jo 2-chome, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido 044-0080
Open: 8:25am to 7pm (From About December 14th, 2024 to March 23rd, 2025)
Night skiing: December 14th, 2024 to March 23rd, 2025 / 4:30pm to 7pm
Charge: Winter Season Niseko Tokyu Grand HIRAFU HANAZONO Lift Ticket Prices
Read more
Ningle Terrace
Phone: 0167-22-1111 (Prince Hotel - Japanese/English)
Address: Nakagoryo, Furano, Hokkaido 076-8511
Open: Everyday. Saturdays & Sundays Are The Best Days To Go / Usually 12pm to 8:45pm / July & August from 10am
Closed: 3 to 4 Shops Are Closed From Tuesday To Thursday / Irregular Days / Maintenance Days
... Read moreFromage Danish Dani LeTAO
Phone: 0134-31-5580
Address: 6-6-13, Sakaimachi, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0027
Open: 10am to 6pm
GPS: 43.19126717807664, 141.0070306473909 (Google Maps)
The Fromage Danish is only available at the DANI LeTAO shop.
You can enjoy a freshly baked Danishes, made from ingredients from Hokkaido. The shop has an eat in
... Read moreGanso Ramen Alley (Ramen Yokocho) Sapporo
Address: 1F, N Grande Building, South 5 West 3-6, Central Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0805
Open: 11:00am to 3am
GPS: 43.05467166938889, 141.35433721961573 (Google Maps)
You can find 17 different ramen shops here. Ramen Alley dates back from around 1950 when it used to have 8 ramen shops.
No parking
Phone: 080-3297-8193
... Read moreTanuki Koji Shopping Arcade - Tanuki Kouji Shopping Street 狸小路
Phone: 011-241-5125
Address: Tanukikouji: South 2 to 3 & West 1 to 7, Central Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Open: Tanuki Koji is open 24/7, but most shops have their own schedules
Closed: The arcade is always open
For The Taxi Driver:
〒060-0062 北海道札幌市中央区南2・3条西1~7丁目
Mega Donki Houtei Odori (Don Quijote)
Phone: 0570-096-811
Open: 24 Hours
Address: (Tanukikouji) 12-1, South 3 West 4, Central Ward, Sapporo
GPS: 43.056981637207045, 141.35256359803802
This is a great place to go discount shopping. It's a large store with almost anything. You can get clothing, electronics, toys, souvenirs, alcohol, cleaning products, fresh fruit,
... Read moreChikaho (Underground Walkway / Passageway)
Sapporo Underground Pedestrian Space
This is the underground tunnel that connects Sapporo Station to Odori Park. From there, it branches out to lots of other underground tunnels you can walk through, including one named Pole Town Underground Walkway, which connects to Susukino, the main drinking and dining area in Sapporo. Others tunnels connect to
... Read moreOtaru Tenguyama Ropeway
Spot InformationStair Chair Lift, Wheelchair Rentals, AED, Wheelchair-accessible Restroom
いす式階段昇降機 車いす貸出 AED 車いす用トイレ Barrier-Free Accessibility StatusWheelchair-accessible Restroom
Wheelchair Accessible
Wheelchair Rentals
Disabled Parking / Handicapped Parking
Foreign Language Support
AED Machines
Aisles at Least 1m Wide
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