Phone: 070-8411-4623
Address: 4-2-2, Makomanai Honcho, South Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 005-0021
Open: 11am to 5pm Everyday
URL: https://tabelog.com/hokkaido/A0101/A010305/1069489/
Instagram: @カラフルクリーム
For The Taxi Driver: 札幌市南区真駒内本町4丁目2-2
GPS:43.00549380539589, 141.34784937629334
Access: 6 minutes by car from Sumikawa, Self-Defense Force, and Makomanai Stations on the Namboku Subway Line.
Specializing in fruit soft-serve ice cream made by mixing cold fruit with custom-made gelato made from Hokkaido milk and yogurt.
The gelato ordered from the popular "Lady Roma Plus" store in South Ward, goes perfectly with the refreshing fruit!
In addition to the standard strawberry, blueberry, mango, etc., seasonal flavors will also be available for your enjoyment.
Light & refreshing, but with a full-bodied flavor.
The store's catchphrase, "One bite to the end," was given based on feedback from customers who have actually tried it.

Strawberry milk, blueberry milk, and mango milk: 410 yen each, toppings: 80 yen each
Dai 1 Parking Lot: 4 parking spots right next to the store.
Dai 2 Parking Lot: 6 Parking Spots
Seats: Around 10 Seating
Free Wi-Fi: –
Opened: 2021/10/16 (Saturday)
Colorful Cream's Menu
Strawberry Milk 410 Yen
Strawberry Yogurt 410 Yen
Blueberry Milk 410 Yen
Blueberry Yogurt 410 Yen
Banana Milk 410 Yen
Banana Yogurt 410 Yen
Pineapple Milk 410 Yen
Pineapple Yogurt 410 Yen
Mango Milk 410 Yen
Mango Yogurt 410 Yen
Toppings (+80 Yen)
Bar of Chocolate
Whipped Cream
Fruit Granola
Cold Fruit
Cafes To Visit Around Hokkaido
Around Makomanai
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