Phone: 0167-45-3055
Address: 25 Nishi 2-North, Kamifurano-cho, Sorachi-gun, Hokkaido 063-0803
Open: 9am to 4pm
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays
Charge: Free Entry
URL: http://www.tsuchinoyakata.jp/
For The Taxi Driver: 〒063-0803 北海道空知郡上富良野町西2線北25号
GPS: 43.46281637897887, 142.45182227975565
In 1992, Sugano Farm Equipment Co. opened a museum for people to study the background and traditions of agriculture. The museum has many vintage tractors and soil samples taken from more than 50 farmlands throughout Japan, allowing visitors to learn about the relationship between soil and people. These exhibits of agricultural machinery also allow visitors to learn about the history and culture of agriculture around Japan and the rest of the world.
Access: 35 minutes from Asahikawa Airport / 5 minutes from Kamifurano Station

Places To Visit Around Sorachi Subprefecture
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