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Pacific Music Festival (PMF) Sapporo

Phone: 011-242-2211 (PMF Organizing Committee)

Address: Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, Sapporo Art Park

Open: Around the middle of July to start of August

21 days from Wednesday, July 10 to Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Charge: Some events are free and others need tickets

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/pmfsapporo/

URL: https://www.pmf.or.jp/en/

GPS: 43.04429199537106, 141.35201806522784 (Google Maps)

The international educational Pacific Music Festival (PMF) brings young musicians representing the future of music together in Sapporo, bringing inspiration to the world stage and carrying out the vision of Leonard Bernstein, whose love of music and peace led him to found the festival. It's an international educational music festival. It started in Sapporo, Japan in 1990. Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990), world-renowned conductor and composer of such works as West Side Story, along with the London Symphony Orchestra made it happen. The PMF has been held in Sapporo every summer since, and now 30 years on, a cumulative total of over 3,600 talented young musicians from 77 countries and regions have participated, going on to assume crucial roles in the classical music world. The heart of PMF is the Academy, an educational program featuring top musicians of the world as faculty, and fostering young musicians chosen through highly competitive auditions from all across the globe. For roughly 1 month each summer, these excellent young musicians, from so many different places and cultures, gather and work diligently together to create a unity through the shared language of music, in the process gaining a wealth of experience and deepening international mutual understanding. These Academy members comprise the world-class PMF Orchestra, considered the premier youth orchestra in Asia, whose passionate performances never fail to inspire. Music outreach represents another important aspect of PMF, with various programs designed to nurture young musicians in the local community and to broaden the reach of classical music in the general public. The PMF Link Up Concert provides elementary school students with the opportunity to perform along with the PMF Orchestra. A variety of seminars provide points of contact between PMF's world-class conductors and faculty and local music students, ranging from middle-school wind ensembles to university orchestras. Volunteer Concerts at hospitals, special-needs schools, and more, focus on bringing music to people who find it difficult to attend a concert hall. These programs and many more also highlight the strong roots that PMF maintains in the community - a vital feature of the festival. PMF is part of a triumvirate of international educational music festivals spanning the globe that share deep connections with Bernstein, along with the Tanglewood Music Festival in the US and the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival in Germany. As the representative of Bernstein's vision in Asia, PMF will continue to pass on his legacy into the future. Sponsoring Organization: Pacific Music festival Organizing Committee / City of Sapporo Mutual Sponsor: Sapporo Cultural Arts Foundation (Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara) 011-242-2211 (PMF Organizing Committee)

Previous Dates: July 16th, 2022 to August 2nd, 2022

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