Phone: 011-556-0141
Address: 5-18, 3 Jo 5 Chome, Kikusui, Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo 003-0803
Open: 11am to 5pm (L.O. 4pm)
Charm Charge: No
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kanon.pancakes/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kanon_pancakes/
URL: https://kanon-pancakes.com
GPS: 43.05377092196272, 141.3811594808042 (Google Maps)
For The Taxi Driver: 〒003-0803 札幌市白石区菊水3条5丁目5-18
Hot / Iced
Tax not included
500 yen / 500 yen
600 yen
Earl Grey
600 yen / 500 yen
Sencha with Matcha
500 yen / 600 yen
Premium hojicha
500 yen
500 yen / 500 yen
Cafe Latte
650 yen / 650 yen
Almond Latte
650 yen / 650 yen
Matcha Latte
650 yen / 650 yen
Hojicha Latte
650 yen / 650 yen
Tiramisu Latte
650 yen
650 yen
100% Orange Juice
500 yen
100% Grapefruit Juice
500 yen
Drink Set
+300 yen
Coffee, Sencha, Green Tea with Matcha, Black Tea, Milk, 100% Orange Juice, 100% Grapefruit Juice
+450 yen
Latte of the Month
All prices do not include tax. Menu items are subject to change depending on the season.

Places To Visit Around Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo
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