Phone: 080-7704-5047 No English speaking workers. You will need to be able to speak Japanese if you call them. They mainly let people make reservations through a tour company that works with them. The tour company will collect all the info needed (body weight, etc.) and email you. One person does almost everything here now. If they get too many messages directly they can't get back to people.
(New Number. 2025-01-14th 10:20am, called but no reply. 2025-01-29 got through at 4:45pm but the lady had to feed the dogs at 5:15pm and said they are still open but can rarely accept reservations)
Address: 19-16-1, Takasu city, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido, Japan (Near Asahikawa)
Open: At the moment they are only doing one session a day if the weather is good.
Dec. to Feb. 15th 10-12pm then 2-4pm (currently once a day)
(you must arrive here at 2:30 at the latest)
Feb. 16th to Mar. 31st 9-11am then 3-5 pm (currently once a day)
Mar. 23rd to Mar. 31st morning sessions only, if there is snowfall.
Closed: Irregular days
2 people, 7 km trail 2 ways ¥19.000 x 2
3 people, 7 km trail 3 ways ¥16.000 x 3
Just watching the dog team & friends.
If a member of your group does not want to ride the dogsled, they may still come on the trip as a passenger for ¥3,000-
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoonlightLadies
Reservations: https://www.moonlightladies.info/callender (I can't see any for 2025 but lots for 2024. They might be fully booked.)
URL: https://www.moonlightladies.info/
GPS: 43.89989692125007, 142.34465315560766 (Google Maps)
Moonlight Ladies Dog Sledding
Dogs are descended from wolves and carry the instinct to run in packs. A dogsled team really loves to run together. While being loyal, they will pull their hearts out for you, even if it is tough sledding. But what they enjoy most is a hard packed trail with enough dogs to pull the weight so they can run at full speed. We have made our style of dogsledding to give our dogs what they enjoy most, a well packed trail, banked at the curves, and enough dogs on each team to pull the weight at a full run. To do this we had to improve the traditional dog sled, changing the joints to make it a very flexible and easy to steer sled. While it is an interesting experience to be a passenger on a dogsled, nothing can compare to riding one alone.
Our customers have ranged in age from six to eighty four, from athletes to the handicapped. After our training lesson, only about one person in twenty five falls off during a run. Actually the majority of those are younger more active people. The ones who I think didn't pay as much attention during the training session. And falling off is not a major problem in the snow. Ask any skier or snowboarder how many times they fell while learning. Having twenty four dogs on our active list, allows us to match the team to the ability of the rider. From our fastest team of six young prime runners, can exceed thirty kph. A team of older more experienced dogs, may top out at twenty kph. We match a team to what you can safely handle.
Coming into Asahikawa from either north, Katami, or from the south, Sapporo, on the expressway, take the Kita Asahikawa off ramp. when you come to the traffic light after the toll booth turn right and. continue straight for 9.8 kilometers. On this stretch there are only two stop lights and when you get to the first stop sign, turn right. This intersection has a farming road straight ahead, mostly closed in winter and another road on the right that goes off at 45 degrees, take the full 90 degree right turn. Another 1.2 kilometers will bring you to another stop sign, also turn right and one hundred meters on, we are the first buildings on your left.
Coming into Asahikawa from the airport or from the east, Furano, take the highway 37 circle route around Asahikawa and when you pass under the expressway continue as described above. If you are coming from Asahikawa take either Route 39 or Route 40 north. When you get to highway 37 turn left and when you pass under the expressway continue as described above.
Coming from Asahikawa take either Route 39 or Route 40 north, when you get to highway 37 turn left and when you pass under the expressway continue as described above.
NOTE. For those who are addicted to their car navigators, the machines themselves are incredibly accurate, but they are only as good as the information programmed into them. In very rural areas such as we live in, that programming can be pretty poor. No one has found us yet using only their navigator, and different models have missed us by 700 meters to three kilometers. On one occasion, when the person phoned first so we were expecting them, we watched them drive by us while we were waving frantically their, eyes glued to their navigator which said we were 700 meters down the road. The directions from the expressway are simple and the easiest way to find us, GPS notwithstanding.
BY TRAIN: Coming into Asahikawa from either south, Sapporo, or east, Furano, when you leave the station go straight out the doors to the highway, and on your right are bus stops. Wait at the number three stop for your bus. See the bus schedule on our website.
MORNING SESSION: (The bus costs ¥510 per person)
We suggest you catch the 10-10 Route bus leaving at 8:45am and arriving in Takasu at 9:22am or if you miss that one, take the bus leaving at 9:20 am, arriving at 9:54 am.
We suggest the 10-10 route bus leaving at 12:35 pm, arriving in Takasu at 13:12. Or at 12:55 pm, arriving in Takasu at 13:29. Or if you miss that one, the bus leaving at 13:20 and arriving at 13:57 pm. We include the return bus schedule. So if you have a train or plane to catch we can take you to the right bus. Taking the later of the busses suggested will not shorten your time with us. Once you are on your bus, stay on until the end of the line in Takasu. The bus will turn off the road in front of a Municipal building.
We will pick you up there, in a van with a dog sledding sign. How will I recognize you? Ninety five percent of the time I do a pick up, our customers are the only ones getting off the bus. How will you know me? Not only will I most likely be the only one standing there, I will be the only Caucasian you have a seen since you got off the train
NOTE: Many of our customers come by car. We only make the 8.5 km trip to the bus station when we are expecting you. You must confirm with us you have caught the bus. Please call us if you have missed the bus we expected you on. We will then meet the next bus and extend our schedule so you still get the full service.
NOTE: Most but not all foreign pocket phones work in Japan. There is a pay phone in the lobby of the building at the end of the bus line in Takasu. If for some reason we are not there to pick you up, because you did not confirm being on the bus or we could not reach you by cell phone or your hotel changed and we could not reach you there, call us and we will pick you up in ten or fifteen minutes. For Bus riders As you enter the bus, take a ticket from the dispenser for each person.
Old Number: 090-2051-3874 (2025-01-14th 9:10am, tried calling but couldn't get through)

Places To Visit Around Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan
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I tried emailing to Moonlight ladies for the dogsled. Their response was very slow. I started to book through their website in September 2024. Only last week they told me they could not accept my reservation. No reason given. I asked the person by email again for their availability, no response again since then. It’s January 11th now. 1 week has passed already.
Please improve this. It’s not a good experience, bad for our vacation planning.
I haven’t listed an email address here. Just a phone number for direct calls. Which site did you contact them from? I’ll try calling them today for you. Most companies close from December 31st to about January 7th or 9th. Maybe that’s why they haven’t contacted you yet.