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Asahikawa Tourist Information Center

Phone: 0166-26-6665

Address: 8-3-1 Miyashitadori JR Asahikawa Station East Concourse, Asahikawa 070-0030

Open: June through September: 8:30am to 7pm (For the time being, the souvenir store is open until 6pm) October through May: 9am to 7pm

Closed: Closed during the New Year's holiday (December 31-January 2)

URL: http://www.city.asahikawa.hokkaido.jp/kankou/2400/d053770.html

For The Taxi Driver:
〒070-0030 旭川市宮下通8丁目3番1号 (JR旭川駅東コンコース)

GPS: 43.76260060529627, 142.3590406238932 (Google Maps)

Very friendly staff that speaks English well and helpful in providing information. It has a prayer room for Muslim visitors. Not only does it have brochures in English, there is a section for Korean and Thai. There is an extensive souvenir section, plus a cafe, and places to sit. I also saw a big departure board display and multiple staff ready to help.

Places To Visit Around Asahikawa

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