Phone: 0570-055-612
Address: 640-15, Bitoe, Tobetsu, Ishikari District, Hokkaido 061-3775
Open: 10am to 5pm (Last Admission 3pm) / The 1F Shop 9am to 6pm
Closed: Irregular days usually for maintenance
Charge: Adults (16 And Up) 1,200 to 1,500 Yen / People with Disability Certificates 500 Yen / Children (4 to 15) 500 Yen / Under 3 Free
Advance bookings are required for admission.
Please make ticket bookings for admission to the facility on the reservation page in advance.
Tickets can be booked and purchased up to 1 hour before admission.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chocolate.royce
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/royce_jp/
URL: https://www.royce.com/cct/
For The Taxi Driver:
〒061-3775 北海道石狩郡当別町ビトエ640-15
GPS: 43.18274034358726, 141.43216916907835 (Google Maps)
Access: 40 minutes by car from central Sapporo / 1 hour and 20 minutes from New Chitose Airport.

Places To Visit Around Ishikari Subprefecture, Hokkaido, Japan
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