Phone: 011-209-5400
Address: 7F, Stellar Place, JR Tower, North 5 West 2, Central Ward, Sapporo 060-0005
Hours: 8:45am to 11:30pm (morning shows from 9:30am & late shows from 9pm)
Website: https://www.cinemafrontier.net
GPS: 43.067958449404344, 141.35089260814374
Sapporo Cinema Frontier has 12 screens and 2,705 seats. Wheelchair seating is available. You can reserve seats and the ticket machine has English. Just be careful when you get movie tickets as movies with this kanji 吹替 have been dubbed in Japanese. Movies with this kanji 字幕 will just have Japanese subtitles.

Sapporo Cinema Frontier
Ticket Prices:
1,100 yen - Seniors
1,800 yen - General
1,500 yen - Students
1,000 yen - Under 15
3D shows are an extra 300 yen
Discount Tickets:
1,100 yen - First day of month
1,100 yen - Men's day every Wednesday
1,100 yen - Lady's day every Thursday
1,300 yen - Late show / Morning show
Sapporo Cinema Frontier has 12 screens. 3 of the projectors can screen 3D movies. 3D glasses are available for 100 yen or 300 yen for clip on glasses. The glasses can be taken home and used again to save money.

Screen Name; Number of Seats (Wheelchair Seats);
Cinemascope (Horizontal x Vertical); American Vista (Horizontal x Vertical); Sound/Projection Equipment
Screen 1: 160 seats (1 wheelchair space);
10.1m x 4.2m; 7.7m x 4.2m; Sony Digital Cinema 3D
Screen 2: 121 seats (1 wheelchair space);
7.7m x 3.2m; 7.7m x 4.2m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 3: 259 seats (1 wheelchair space);
12.0m × 5.0m; 9.5m × 5.0m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 4: 111 seats (1 wheelchair space);
8.0m x 3.3m; 8.0m x 4.3m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 5: 541 seats (4 wheelchair spaces);
18.0m × 7.5m; 14.6m × 7.9m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 6: 172 seats (1 wheelchair space);
9.6m × 4.0m; 7.3m x 4.0m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 7: 191 seats (1 wheelchair space);
11.0m × 4.6m; 8.5m x 4.6m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 8: 455 seats (4 wheelchair spaces);
14.8m × 6.1m; 11.2m x 6.1m; Sony Digital Cinema 3D
Screen 9: 168 seats (1 wheelchair space);
9.6m × 4.0m; 8.5m x 4.6m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 10: 112 seats (2 wheelchair spaces);
8.1m × 3.4m; 8.1m × 4.4m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 11: 92 seats (1 wheelchair space);
7.7m x 3.2m; 7.7m x 4.2m; Sony Digital Cinema 4K
Screen 12: 323 seats (2 wheelchair spaces);
14.7m × 6.0m; 11.2m x 6.0m; Sony Digital Cinema 3D
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