Phone: 011-233-3929
Address: B1F, Nihon Seimei Sapporo Building, 1-1, North 3 West 4, Central Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0003
Open: 11:30am to 2:30pm then 5pm to 10pm
Closed: No. Open everyday.
Charge: There is no extra charge. You just pay for the course you want.
All-you-can-eat Courses Only (Tabehoudai): From 3,600 yen.
Note: When I went there a few years back the pork shabushabu was 3,300 yen & beef shabushabu was 3,700 yen. You could only get the tofu soup in the all-you-can-eat plans.
URL: https://shabushabu-let-us.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shabushabu_letus_sapporoekimae/
For The Taxi Driver:
〒060-0003 北海道札幌市中央区
日本生命札幌ビル B1F
GPS: 43.064679058562206, 141.3505566560202 (Google Maps)
This restaurant is named Shabu Shabu Let Us as it sounds like Shabu Shabu Lettuce. They try to offer the best-tasting seasonal vegetables with highest nutritional values delivered directly from contracted farms close to their stores if possible. The can do vegan style meals by replacing the meat with different vegetables. They have free Wi-Fi.

Places To Visit Around Sapporo Station
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