Phone: 080-5587-4312
Address: 1F Doya Building, 15, South 4, Hongo-dori, 12 Chome, Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo
Open: 11:30 to 3pm then 5:30 to 9pm
Closed: Sundays
Charge: No charm charge
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cocoro1225/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zuccafe22
URL: https://tabelog.com/hokkaido/A0101/A010301/1059521/
For The Taxi Driver:
GPS: 43.036881474856436, 141.42102583484737 (Google Maps)
You need a reservation to go here. The building has WiFi that you might be able to connect to.

Places To Visit Around TRATTORIA ZucCafe22 In Shiroishi Ward
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