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Phone: 0570-086-105 or 03-4333-0009

Open: 9am to 5pm Weekdays

Closed: Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays (12/29 - 1/3)

URL: https://www.ideco-koushiki.jp/english/

Pension Plan Company

iDeCo is a private-pension plan governed by the Defined Contribution Pension Act, which went into effect in 2001. Since January 2017, the plan has been available to virtually any individual between the ages of 20 and 59.* The plan is designed to offer many individuals a way to gather the assets needed to make old age more comfortable.

*Those already enrolled in a corporate-type defined contribution pension plan can join iDeCo only if the rules of the corporate-type plan allow simultaneous enrollment in an individual-type defined contribution pension plan (i.e., iDeCo).

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