Phone: 011-213-1388
Address: Ni Jo Market, 7, South 3 East 1, Central Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Open: 9am to 5pm / 9am to 10pm (Fridays & Saturdays)
Closed: Tuesdays & Irregular Days (Sometimes On Wednesdays)
Charge: Otooshi + seating charge 1,000 but you get one drink and a bit of food.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gyukatsuhirata
For The Taxi Driver: 北海道札幌市中央区南三条東1-7 新二条市場
GPS: 43.05828687336457, 141.3585525731749 (Google Maps)
Beef dishes, seafood dishes, Japanese style pub...
Nearest station: 417m from the Housui Susukino Station.
No smoking

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