Phone: 0134-32-4111
Address: 3-1 Minatomachi, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0007
When: 2024, July 26th (Fri) to July 28th (Sun) 10am to 10pm
Charge: You can watch the fireworks for free but there are also paid areas to get the best view of the fireworks. Tickets costs about 2,000 yen.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ushiomatsuri/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/otaruushiofestival
URL: http://otaru.ushiomatsuri.net/
For The Taxi Driver:
〒047-0007 北海道小樽市港町3-1
GPS: 43.20242826555575, 141.00545900596936 (Google Maps)
The firework festival is on the last day (July 28th) from 8pm to 8:30pm.

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