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Sapporo Clock Tower

Phone: 011-231-0838 Fax: 011-231-0804

Address: North 1 West 2, Central Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0001

Admission Fee: 200 Yen

Open: 8:45am to 5:10pm

URL (English): http://sapporoshi-tokeidai.jp/english

URL (Japanese): http://sapporoshi-tokeidai.jp

GPS: 43.06256255276368, 141.35349308024985

Built in 1878, the Sapporo Clock Tower (200 yen) is a two-storey building that stands out against the city’s glass-and-steel facades. It is a hall used for public hearings and has a mini museum on the first floor. It is also conveniently located across the road from a shop that sells products mainly made in Hokkaido.

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