Phone: 011-211-6406
When: 2024-06-28th (Fri) to 2024-06-30th (Sun), 24 Hours a Day
Where: North 3-jo Plaza, North 3, Central Ward, Sapporo (Next to Aka Renga Plaza)
Charge: Free
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sapporoflowercarpet/
URL: https://www.sapporo-flowercarpet.com/
GPS: 43.06431012760512, 141.35049646154326
The event will be held at North 3-jo Plaza in Sapporo. Participants will create a colorful flower carpet using flowers from Hokkaido and other natural materials.
2023-06-23th (Fri) to 2023-06-25th (Sun)
2022-06-24th (Fri) to 2022-06-26th (Sun)

Places To Visit Around Sapporo Station
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