Phone: 01635-2-2311
Address: 214-7, Hamaonishibetsu, Sarufutsu Village, Soya District 098-6222 (Sarufutsu-mura, Soya-gun)
Open: The Public Toilets and Free Parking Area is Open 24/7. The building is open 9am to 5:30pm Every Day / Restaurant 11am to 2pm then 5pm to 7pm
Closed: Restaurant - Tuesdays / Souvenir Shop - Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/さるふつ道の駅
URL: https://www.hokkaido-michinoeki.jp/michinoeki/2010/
For The Taxi Driver:
〒098-6222 宗谷郡猿払村浜鬼志別214番地7(国道238号沿い)
GPS: 45.3297307297539, 142.17683977910917
It's a roadside rest area. It has public toilets, a hot spring, hotel, restaurants and souvenirs. There's also a campground here. You can see the sea, a statue of a cow and a windmill here. The fresh scallops on rice are nice if you go to the restaurant. The michi-no-eki stamp is available 24 hours a day (located in the administration building of the roadside station).
Places To Visit Around Soya Subprefecture, Hokkaido, Japan
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