Phone: 050-5287-4767 When calling, say you saw the "Hot Pepper Gourmet" advert. When the restaurant calls you, the phone number may be different.
Address: 1F/2F Base 24, 1-13, North 24 West 2, North Ward, Sapporo
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday: 11am to 3pm (Food & Drink L.O. 2:30pm)
4pm-10pm (Food L.O. 9pm, Drink L.O. 9:30pm)
Fri: 11am to 3pm (Food L.O. 2:30pm, Drinks L.O. 2:30pm)
4pm to 11pm (Food L.O. 10pm, Drink L.O. 10:30pm)
Sat: 11am to 3pm (Food L.O. 2:30pm, Drink L.O. 2:30pm)
4pm to 11pm (Food L.O. 10pm, Drink L.O. 9:30pm)
New Year's Eve / Holidays: 11am to 11pm (Food L.O. 10pm, Drink L.O. 10:30pm)
Lunch [11am to 3pm (L.O. 2:30pm)
Dinner 【Sun-Thu 4pm to 10pm】Dinner 【Fri, Sat, New Year's Eve / National Holidays 4pm to 11pm
Year's End 【December 31st 10am - 5pm】Retail Only
*New Year's Eve 【Beginning of regular business hours from 10am on January 5】.
Closed: Wednesdays
Discount Coupons: https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001176969/map/
Credit Cards: VISA, Mastercard, Amex, DINERS, JCB
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shihachi.sapporo
Google: https://g.co/kgs/1FNGEY
URL: https://shihachi24.theshop.jp/
For The Taxi Driver:
GPS: 43.09075096400453, 141.34621155263304

Places To Visit Around North Ward, Sapporo
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