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Canon EOS R3 Mark I Full-frame Mirrorless Camera


Canon EOS R3 Mark I Full-frame Mirrorless Camera

August 1st, 2021: The Canon EOS R3 Mark I full-frame mirrorless camera will be released to testers on Aug 8th, 2021. The camera has eye tracking through the viewfinder to focus where you look; people tracking; animal tracking; a flip screen finally; 30 FPS in silent mode, but oily fingerprints shows up on the new grip though...

Rumored cameras to be announced in 2020 to 2021:
  • Canon EOS R5S/EOS R3: A high-megapixel full frame mirrorless camera to replace current EOS 5DS/5DS R. Compared to EOS R5, EOS R5S will have few video features. Coming in late 2020 to early 2021.

Canon EOS RP Mark II: Replacement for current EOS RP.

Canon EOS R Pro (EOS R1): Pro / High-end Canon EOS R full frame mirrorless camera, Canon engineering execs said they are working on this model, but it will take time to get the body right.

Canon EOS R5 Mark II Full-frame Mirrorless Camera

Canon EOS R Mark II (Replacement for the Canon EOS R)

Canon EOS 5D Mark V: Canon will announce this DSLR camera if there is a market for it.

Canon EOS R5 Full-frame Mirrorless Camera

Come see the Canon EOS R5 at the new convention center, Pacifico Yokohama.

Place: Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama (PACIFICO Yokohama)
Date: February 27th to March 1st, 2020
Address: 1-1-1, Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220-0012

This camera offers 8K video, a 45 megapixel sensor, approximately 20 frames / second with the electronic shutter and approximately 12 frames / second with the mechanical shutter, automatic image transfer from the camera to the cloud platform "image.canon" (release scheduled to start in April 2020 & regular sales in May or July), 5 stops of IBIS...

Canon to launch upgraded CANON iMAGE GATEWAY service

End of Service date for CANON iMAGE GATEWAY
Scheduled date:
Mid March 2020

Start of the upgraded service
Scheduled date:
Late March 2020
Detailed information on the upgraded service and how to use it will be announced in February 2020.

Canon EOS R5 full-frame mirrorless camera
Canon EOS R5

The Original Japanese News Release

「EOS R システム」を強化
次世代フルサイズミラーレスカメラ“EOS R5”と RF レンズを開発

キヤノンは、長年カメラの自社開発で培ってきた CMOS センサーや映像エンジン、光学などの
技術を結集し、「EOS R システム」の次世代フルサイズミラーレスカメラ“EOS R5”を開発しています。
また、2020 年中の発売を目指し、計9 機種のRF レンズの開発を進めています。魅力的なカメラ、
レンズをラインアップに加えることで「EOS R システム」を強化していきます。
「EOS R システム」は、レンズ設計の自由度を高める大きなマウント径とショートバック
現在開発中の次世代フルサイズミラーレスカメラは、「EOS R システム」の特長を生かし、
さらなる高速連写や 8K 動画撮影を実現し、映像表現の幅を広げることを目指しています。
「EOS R システム」の次世代フルサイズミラーレスカメラの第一弾となる“EOS R5”は、
新開発の CMOS センサーにより、電子シャッターで最高約 20 コマ/秒、メカシャッターで最高
約12 コマ/秒の連写性能の実現を目指しており、スポーツなど高速で動く被写体にも対応します。
また、8K 動画の撮影が可能となることで、高精細な静止画の切り出しやより高画質な 4K 動画に
RF レンズのレンズ内手ブレ補正機構の双方を協調制御する方式を採用することにより、
さらに、RF レンズ“RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM”および、同機種に装着可能な
“エクステンダー RF1.4×”、“エクステンダー RF2×”を開発しています。これら 3 機種を
含む計 9 機種の RF レンズを開発しており、2020 年中の発売を目指します。
2020 年 2 月 27 日から 3 月 1 日までパシフィコ横浜で開催されるカメラと写真映像のワールド
プレミアショー「CP+(シーピープラス)」のキヤノンブースにおいて、開発中の“EOS R5”ならびに
“RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM”と“エクステンダー RF1.4×”、“エクステンダー RF2×”を
2020 年 2 月 13 日
● E O S ホームペー ジ : canon.jp/eos
EOS R5 * 「RF24-105mm F4 L IS USM」装着時 RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM

Help for settings for Wi-Fi productsOpen All Close All

How to link Wi-Fi products to CANON iMAGE GATEWAY

How to link Wi-Fi products to CANON iMAGE GATEWAY

If you have a camera / camcorder, check which icons are displayed in the Wi-Fi menu on your camera / camcorder.

If a  icon appears on your camera / camcorder

If you have Connect Station, perform the following procedure.

If you have Connect Station

To apply changes to Web Service Settings to your product

To send images from your product

Help for menus for Wi-Fi products

About menus for Wi-Fi products

Transmission History

Settings for Send/Receive Images

Product Information

Product Manual

Delete Link Settings

About Web service settings for Wi-Fi products

Web Service Settings

About common settings

Private information (such as people and locations) included with images


Twitter Settings

YouTube Settings

LIVE Streaming Settings

Flickr Settings

Google Drive Settings

E-mail Settings

How to use Image Sync and set options

About Web service settings for Image Transfer Utility 2

Frequently Asked Questions

[I don't understand how to set up the Image Sync (Send via Server) software (Image Transfer Utility).]

Start the computer you want to set as the image transmission destination for Image Sync.
Check the icons displayed on your camera, and refer to the appropriate Help file to set up Image Sync. When you have finished setting up Image Sync, you will be able to send images from your camera to your computer.

If a  icon appears on your camera / camcorder

[The following error messages appear when you attempt to send images from Wi-Fi products]

"Cannot log in to Web service" (Cannot log in to online service. Register the account again.)

"Connect to a computer, use the supplied software to reset"

"Cannot log in to Web service. Connect to a computer, use the supplied software to reset"

"Error detected on server. Try again later"

"For Image Sync, download the dedicated software to your computer and set up"

[Images sent from the product do not appear in the destination Web service]

From transmission history, check the status of transmission to the Web service.
Log in from here and then select your product on the top page.
In the transmission history displayed, select the Web service and choose the  icon to check the transmission status.
If transmission has failed, you can resend images from this page.

#CanonR5 #CanonR6 #Canon8KVideo

* This is not sponsored content.

Landscape Photography Areas in & around Hokkaido, Japan

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