Phone: 011-551-5529
Address: 1-1, South 5 West 5, Central Ward, Sapporo
Open: 5pm to 5am
Closed: 12/31st to 1/2nd
Charge: No seating charge, charm charge or extra charge
URL: https://sapporo-jingisukan.info/55ten/
GPS: 43.0536799, 141.3521133 (Google Maps)
It cost 2,300 yen for one plate of jingiskan (Genghis Khan) meat, a large bowl of rice, and two soft drinks. The service was wonderful. A guy there kept the fire hot with a fan and basically cooked everything for me. The sauce wasn’t that sweet. Basically soy sauce, and something else. The photo of meat on the menu had lots of fat but the meat that was served looked better than the pic. A few pieces of meat still had lots of fat but most of the pieces were lean without the strip of fat.

Places To Visit Around Susukino, Sapporo, Hokkaido
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