Phone: 0155-22-0456
Address: Higashi 9 Jo Minami 12 Chome, Obihiro, Hokkaido 080-0809
Open: 10am to 11pm (Sunday 7:00)
Closed: The second Wednesday of every month (except January and December)
URL: http://ro-ma.jp/
GPS: 42.92011897623076, 143.21961646662663
Entrance Fees
420 yen
Elementary School Students 140 yen
Infants 70 yen with a Paying Adult
[Rome of hot water and family bath]Family Sauna: 1,900 yen per room per hour (extension 350 yen every 10 minutes)
Family Bath - 1 hour: Adults 600 yen; Elementary school students 270 yen; Infants 110 yen (100 yen per extra 10 minutes) After 5pm, bathing is 650 yen per person
Hot Springs Around Hokkaido, Japan
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