Phone: 011-221-4328
Address: 1F/B1 Caadre Building, South 2 West 2, Central Ward, Sapporo
Open: 11:30am to 4pm then 4pm to 7pm
Closed: Mondays
Charge: Soba costs 850 yen to 1,800 yen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saketosobamaruki/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sake.n.soba_maruki
URL: https://mado-sapporo.jp/maruki/
For The Taxi Driver:
〒060-0062 北海道札幌市
GPS: 43.05769131834909, 141.35467562747678
This might be the oldest soba restaurant in Sapporo and the service is good. This restaurant is perfect for those who want to enjoy a light meal while drinking sake. There is a wide variety of alcohol and seasonal soba noodle dishes.

Places To Visit Around Tanukikouji, Sapporo
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