Chuo Ward Office Central Health Center Temporary Office Building
Phone: 011-231-2400
Chuo Ward Office and Chuo Health Center will be operating in Temporary Office Building until the completion of the new government building (scheduled for February 2025) following the rebuilding of the government building (Minami 3 West 11).
Address: NTT Building, West 2, Odori, Central Ward, Sapporo 060-8612
Open: 8:45am to 5:15pm
Closed: Saturday & Sunday
URL: https://www.sapporo-sport.jp/sapporo-kenkoc/
GPS: 43.061467902173185, 141.35371654504831 (Google Maps)
Old Phone Number: 011-562-8700 or 011-511-7221
Old Address: 331, South 3 West 11, Central Ward, Sapporo
Old URL: (Floor Plan - Map)

GPS: 43.05503622141221, 141.34139690874267
6F | Regional Development Division (地域振興課) | Weekdays 8:45am to 5:15pm | 011-205-3221 |
3F-5F | Central Health Creation Center (中央健康づくりセンター) | Tuesday to Saturday 8:45am to 8:30pm; Sundays & Public Holidays 9:30am to 6pm (only available on the 4th floor) | 011-562-8700 |
2F | Health and Children Division (健康・子ども課) | Weekdays 8:45am to 5:15pm | 011-511-7221 |
1F | Health and Children's Division (examination rooms, consultation rooms, measurement rooms, etc.) (健康・子ども課 - 診察室、相談室、計測室など) | Weekdays 8:45am to 5:15pm | 011-511-7221 |
Last Updated: 2021-12-14th
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