Phone: 011-206-4101
Address: 3F Akarenga Terrace Food Court, North 2 West 4, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Open: 11am to 3pm then from 5pm till 9:30pm (L.O.). The food court is open till 11pm though.
GPS: 43.06401291034646, 141.3506144642439 (Google Maps)
Access: Hotei Chinese Cuisine is in the Akarenga Terrace food court. Roughly a 7 minute walk from either Sapporo Station or Odori Station.
Recommendation: The fried chicken is amazing and a really good price. 3 pieces cost only 420 yen, or 470 yen if you want takeaway. They come with a delicious vinegar dipping sauce as well. Each piece is about as big as the l-sized chicken you get at convenience stores.
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