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Sapporo JR Tower T38

Phone: 011-209-5100

Address: North 5 West 2, 4 Chome, Central Ward, Sapporo 060-0005

Hours: 10am to 11pm (Last Admission 10:30pm)

Summertime Business Hours
From July 1st to September 30th
9:30am to 11pm (Last Admission at 10:30pm)

URL: http://www.jr-tower.com/

Special Service: If it's your birthday, you can enter for free as many times as you like. I called to check if it was just one time or multiple times. Just tell them at the front it's your birthday and show your ID (driver's license, resident card, etc.).

GPS: 43.06849997831431, 141.3523646254926 (Google Maps)

JR Tower T38

A stylish observation deck located 160 meters above ground and offering great views even from its restroom

The JR Tower Observation Deck is in a building connected to Sapporo Station. The building has a shopping mall, restaurants, and a hotel in it. The Observation Deck can be accessed by taking the dedicated elevator from the 6th to 38th floor. The panoramic view from 160 meters above ground offers views of Ishikari Bay New Port to the North, Hokkaido University and Mt. Teine to the West, and the Sapporo Dome and central Sapporo, which is laid out as a grid, to the South. The illuminated skyline of Sapporo looks beautiful at night. To the East, you can see Ishikari River running all the way to the ocean, and when weather permits, the mountains Yubaridake and Ashibetsudake. The observation deck, is also adorned with artworks, which create a calm atmosphere. The men’s bathroom has a large window with city view.

Height: 173 m (CTBUH)

Floors: 38(The Tower Building)

Observation room admission fee

Adults 740 Yen
Senior High School Students 520 Yen
Junior High School Students 520 Yen
4 Year Olds to Elementary Students320 Yen
3 & UnderFree
Admission Fee On Your Birthday Free

Places To Visit Around Sapporo Station, Hokkaido, Japan

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