Phone: 0139-52-2020
Address: 1-5 Aza Ubagami-cho, Esashi-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido 043-0041
Reception time: Check in is at 3pm; Check out is 12pm
URL: https://www.esashi-kuki.jp/en-top/
GPS: 41.86601571314355, 140.12006079371045
Parking: Free parking available (6 cars)
7 guest rooms available
The spa/bath uses 100% natural spring water from the area
The hotel also has a bar if you would like to relax in the main entry area.
Payment: Cash · Credit cards (VISA・JCB・MASTER・AMEX・Other)
Internet: Wireless LAN throughout the whole building (you can borrow LAN cables if needed)

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