Phone: 011-532-7887
Address: Cyber City Building B2F, South 5 West 2, Central Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0805
Open: 3pm to 8:45pm (Last Entry 7:20pm)
Closed: None
Charge: 70 minutes 6,800 yen / 100 minutes 9,000 yen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nandasapporo/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nanda.buffet
URL: https://g-nanda.com/

For The Taxi Driver:
〒064-0805 北海道札幌市中央区南5条西2丁目サイバーシティビルB2F
GPS: 43.05454329202222, 141.35600975731506 (Google Maps)
Access: Subway Toho line Hosui-Susukino Station Exit 4 1-minute walk
Nanda Buffet has an all-you-can-eat & all-you-can-drink plan. Eat King Crab, Snow Crab, Hair Crab; 7 types of crab in total.
Top level Japanese Kuroge wagyu, sushi, sashimi, special dishes, tempura, shellfish, Hokkaido melon, desserts...
A minimum number of 2 people is required. Cash and credit cards are accepted at the ticket vending machine. Entry is in order of arrival. Advance reservations are recommended. An extension fee of 1,500 yen per person for 10 minutes will be charged. Leftover food will be charged at 3,000 yen per person.
250 seats
Places To Visit Around Susukino, Sapporo, Hokkaido
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