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Shika-no-yu at Shikaribetsu Gorge Campground

Phone: 0156-66-4034 (8:30am to 5:15pm)

Address: Shikaribetsu Gorges camp field, Shikaoi, Kato District, Hokkaido 081-0344

Open: 24 hours / July 1st till about the end of September

Closed: October to June (Not Cleaned)

Charge: The hot spring is free but campground costs 250 yen per person. 150 yen for kids up to elementary school age.

URL: https://www.shikaoi.net/detail/42

For The Taxi Driver:
〒081-0344 北海道鹿追町然別湖峡

GPS: 43.32887485982983, 143.0445322983873 (Google Maps)

Places To Visit Around Tokachi Subprefecture, Hokkaido, Japan

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