Phone: 0156-27-3993
Address: Odori, Rikubetsu, Ashoro District, Hokkaido 089-4315
Check-out: 10am
Check-in: 2pm
Charge: 7,000 to 7,500 yen per adult / 6,700 to 7,200 per person if there are 2 / 6,400 to 6,00 yen per person if there are 3
URL: https://www.rikubetsu.jp/kanko/shukuhaku/aurora_house/
GPS: 43.46758993494385, 143.74247706214555
Western breakfast available, otherwise Hokkaido-style Japanese food, including milk to drink with meals.

Places To Visit Around Tokachi Subprefecture, Hokkaido
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