Phone: 0123-23-8288
Address: Shikotsu-ko Dori, Shikotsuko Onsen, Chitose-shi, Hokkaidō 066-0281, Japan
When: Usually at the end of January to the middle of February
2025.2.01th (Sat) to 2025.2.24th (Mon) (the ending date may change if the ice melts too quickly)
Hours: 10am to 8pm / Light up from 4:30 pm to 8pm
Admission Fee: 500 Yen for High School Students & Up (Junior High School Students Or Younger Free)
URL: http://www.1000sai-chitose.or.jp/
GPS: 42.77211238220626, 141.40633465484458 (Google Maps)
About 200,000 people come to see this festival every year. See ice sculptures and light displays in a village made of ice and snow. The fireworks displays are on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays during the event period.

Places With Events Around Hokkaido, Japan
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