Date: 2024/11/1 (Fri) to 2025/1/31 (Fri)
Time: Sunset to 10:30pm. The lights get turned at sunset (roughly 4pm) and stay on till about 10:30pm.
Address: Otaru Canal, Minatomachi, Otaru-shi, Hokkaido 047-0007
Open: 24 hours
Admission: Free
URL: https://otaru.gr.jp/citizen/winter-blue-canal
2023/11/1 (Wed) to 2024/1/31 (Wed)
November 1st (Tue), 2022, to January 31st (Tue), 2023
GPS: 43.199153309991814, 141.0020966151408 (Google Maps)
Illuminations add a romantic dash of color to the cold season. For this season only, the Otaru canal has been specially illuminated with 10,000 blue LED’s. The best time to go is in the so-called ‘blue hour’, the period just after sunset when a little blue is still visible in the darkness. Enjoy the magical air brought to the canal as the blue of the lights mixes with that of the sky.
During this period, the popular Otaru Canal cruise ships/boats are also covered in little blue lights as they transport you along the canal.

Places to Visit Around Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan
Places to Go or Things to Do in Winter
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