Phone: 0162236161
Address: Soyamisaki, Wakkanai, Hokkaido 098-6758
URL: https://www.north-hokkaido.com/spot/detail_1018.html
GPS: 45.52291173410095, 141.93659835267476 (Google Maps)
For The Taxi Driver: 〒098-6758 北海道稚内市宗谷岬
Soya Misaki, Wakkanai-shi, Hokkaido
Cape Soya is the northernmost point of Japan. The Monument to the Northernmost Point of Japan is located at 45 degrees, 31 minutes and 22 seconds north. The monument is triangular with a motif of one ridge of the North Star.
The letter N in the center represents North and the circular shape of the base represents peace and harmony. If the weather is good, standing here facing the sea, you can see Sakhalin (Russia) 43km away. This monument is surrounded by the sea on three sides.
The view is breathtaking especially around sunset.
In winter, you can also see drift ice here.
Places To Visit If You Are Traveling Around Hokkaido, Japan
Activities To Do Around Hokkaido, Japan
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