Phone: 0156-64-0522 Shintoku Town Hall Industry Division (Japanese)
Address: Aza-Shinnai, Shintoku-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido
Access: 15 km from Shintoku Station, 5 min. by car from Sahoro Dam along the Sahoro lakeside road.
URL: https://www.shintoku-town.net/play/camp/camp_01.html#
GPS:43.18089459831354, 142.82827528552374
Sahoroko Camping Ground
Sahoroko Camping Ground a well maintained clearing right near Lake Sahoro.
It is a nice space to relax and enjoy camping.
You can do canoeing or go fishing nearby at the Sahoro Dam.
Fee: Free
Tents: 500 tent spaces
Parking: 70 cars
RV Auto Camping: Not available
Cooking Facilities: Yes
Toilets: Yes
Open: May 1 to October 31st
Pets are not allowed on the campground, as they may cause inconvenience to other visitors.
No vehicles/rvs are allowed to drive on the campground but parking is available.
Fires are allowed in designated areas
Campsites Around Hokkaido, Japan
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